Personal Injury

When you are dealing with a serious personal injury or the death of a loved one after an accident of any kind, the financial turmoil and uncertainty about the future can be extremely stressful. At Steele Schneider we understand how difficult this can be and we are here to help.

Protecting the Rights of Accident Victims

We have successfully protected the rights of numerous personal injury victims throughout Western Pennsylvania, including a seven-figure settlement achieved against a national retail chain. Our lawyers will zealously defend the rights of the victims of a wide variety of accidents such as:

  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Slip-and-fall injuries
  • Nursing home injuries

Our firm has deep personal roots in Kittanning and Allegheny Township, and we strive to maintain the personal atmosphere you would expect in a small-town Pennsylvania business. Regardless of what kind of accident caused the injury, or the severity of the injury you or a loved one has suffered, we encourage you to contact us to discuss it — initial consultations are always free and, in personal injury cases, we do not get paid until you do.

Local Meeting Options

We understand how difficult it can be to travel all the way to Pittsburgh for a meeting with a lawyer, particularly when you or a loved one has been seriously injured. We are happy to arrange meetings in the Kittanning and Allegheny Township areas. Just contact our office to schedule an appointment at a location more convenient to you.

Allegheny and Armstrong County Car Accident Attorneys

Steele Schneider represents clients throughout Western Pennsylvania, including the Pittsburgh, Kittanning and Allegheny Township areas. Contact us at 412-235-7682 to arrange a free initial consultation with experienced Kittanning personal injury attorneys.